6 Electrical Safety Tips for Winter

Whenever winter arrives, many of us lean on electrical devices to keep our home warm. Unfortunately, many portable heating units can be a serious fire hazard if safety precautions are not taken. The National Fire Protection Agency says that over 40% of home fires involve space heaters. Catalyst Electric in Linn Creek, MO is here to give you 6 electrical safety tips for winter in mid-MO so that you can keep your family cozy and warm! In addition, Catalyst Electric has a team of expert electricians that are here to help with all of your electrical needs at the Lake of the Ozarks.


Tip 1: Keep Flammable Items Away from Heat Sources

Remove any flammable items that are in close proximity to a heat source. There should be at least three feet to establish a safe distance. This will prevent injuries or fire hazards!

Tip 2: Never Leave Heaters Unattended

If you’re using a portable heating unit, don’t forget to turn it off when you leave your home or when you go to bed. Monitoring these heaters will ensure that they do not overheat and cause a fire!

Tip 3: Monitor Usage of Electrical Outlets

Don’t overload your outlets with tons of Christmas lights or portable heaters! We understand that you want your home to look festive, but this could lead to serious electrical problems.

Tip 4: Don’t Plug Space Heaters into Extension Cords

Always use a wall outlet for your space heaters! Power strips and extension cords are not equipped to handle the kind of electric needs that space heaters require. Not using a wall outlet could lead to melting, burning, or catching fire!

Tip 5: Keep Placement of Outlets and Power Strips Safe

If you do have to use power cords or extension cords, make sure that they are not placed under a rug or behind furniture. Covering them increases the likelihood of a fire.

Tip 6: Follow Christmas Light Safety Tips

With the current weather conditions, it’s important to hook your Christmas tree lights up to a surge protector to avoid voltage spikes. In cold weather conditions, there can be an increase in power outages. Be VERY cautious if you’re stringing lights near power lines outside! Check out one of Catalyst Electric’s recent blogs about Christmas light safety tips in mid-MO!

If you’re following all of these tips, then you’ll be sure to keep your family safe and warm during these winter storms in mid-mo. If you experience an electrical emergency, Catalyst Electric and our team of experts are here to help!

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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