Considering Some Electrical Upgrades? Here’s How Catalyst Can Help!

As professional electricians at Lake of the Ozarks, we get to help clients with a lot of very cool electrical upgrades. Some of our customers ask us to do updates to improve functionality. Others are looking at having electrical services at Lake of the Ozarks done to improve safety. Homeowners interested in improving their home's appeal to buyers have electrical upgrades made as well. If you’d like to hear about 3 types of fun and practical upgrades that we help our clients with on a day-to-day basis, we have lots of examples in this week’s blog.

1) Upgrades for Safety

A lot of the work we do for clients has to do with improving safety or eliminating safety hazards. Having dedicated breakers installed for things that draw a lot of electricity is cheap insurance when it comes to preventing a short or overloading your electrical system. Examples where you would need this include hot tubs, and if you use electric space heaters on a regular basis. We also replace a lot of outlets that are located near water or moisture prone areas to GFCI outlets for safety purposes. Other safety-related upgrades that we take care of for our customers include upgrading electrical panels to match the needs of the modern home and even rewiring houses where necessary to provide a ground wire.

2) Upgrades to Appeal to Buyers

Some of the electrical upgrades we do are to make homes more appealing to buyers if and when homeowners ever want to sell. Things like outdoor lighting to accent the ambience and outdoor living areas are very popular. Updating fixtures to create a more contemporary or stylized look is also a common request. Even things like whole-home generators, whole-home surge protectors, and smart technology can make a home more appealing to buyers, and we get to help with these things on a regular basis.

3 ) Upgrades for Functionality

When it comes to improving functionality, extra outlets are one of the most common request we get. Having outlets, indoors and out, exactly where you need them, is not only handy, it keeps you from using extension cords which are never as safe as plugging directly into an outlet. Adding and or updating outdated lighting fixtures is another upgrade that makes your house function better. It can be so frustrating working in the kitchen where you don’t have properly placed lighting. Catalyst Electric can fix that for you. Another handy electrical upgrade is to replace your outlets with ones that include USB charging ports as well.

Call Catalyst for These Upgrades and More!

For all your electrical service needs at Lake of the Ozarks, you can count on Catalyst Electric to provide superior expertise and top-notch customer service. We handle all kinds of electrical upgrades, and even new construction as well. If you have any questions or request regarding electrical work at Lake of the Ozarks, feel free to give us a call or fill out the contact form on our website. If you’d like to hear more tips or helpful information from our electrical contractors at Lake of the Ozarks, use the link below to follow us on social media.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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