Are your outlets up to date? 3 Things to look for.

As electricians at Lake of the Ozarks, we are extremely focused on safety. We worked with electricity every day, so we particularly aware of the hazards, but we also want our clients to be safe. That’s why we are always sharing helpful tips and information about electrical safety in our blogs. This week we want to focus on outlet safety. We have three tips for you to look for in your home to make sure your outlets are safe and up-to-date. Just keep reading to see what they are!

1) Non-Childproof Outlets

As we all know, with little ones it can only take a fraction of a second for something to go wrong. We know they’re curious, and constantly exploring, and they depend on us to look out for them. Technology has improved when it comes to childproof outlets. You no longer have to rely on the little plastic covers that can be pulled out. Today, you can get outlets that have small doors behind the holes in the outlet to prevent little fingers from making contact with electricity. You can see the little plastic door when you look at the outlet, so if you do not have those, give Catalyst Electric a call. We can get those installed for you easily and inexpensively.

2) No GFCI Outlets

GFCI outlets are recommended anywhere you have an outlet that is close to a water source, or in a moisture prone area. That means bathrooms, kitchens, outside, etc. You can tell that it’s a GFCI outlet if it has a reset button and a test button. The way these outlets work is that they sense the electrical current on a constant basis and will disconnect power to that outlet if it senses a surge or a short. That means if water were to get into the outlet, power would be shut off more quickly by the GFCI outlet then it would at the breaker box. Is an added safety feature that protects you and your family from shock or electrocution. They are not terribly expensive, or difficult to install. But they provide peace of mind that as well worth the investment.

3) Ungrounded Outlets

If your outlets only have two holes instead of three, that can be a very dangerous situation. That means that the outlet does not have a ground plug. It may also mean that your house is not wired with a ground wire at all. If that is the case, you can’t just switch outlets, because there’s no wire to ground the outlet to. It may require rewiring your home and your electrical box. But the danger of not having a ground wire is not something you want to ignore. While it may not be fun to realize your house needs wiring, it is much better than suffering a house fire or an electrocution. If you notice that one or more of your outlets are not grounded, give Catalyst Elec a call to assess the situation and get you the information you need to make a good decision.

For These and All Your Electrical Service Needs – Call Catalyst!

If you have any questions at all about electrical service work at Lake of the Ozarks, we are happy to help. We appreciate each and every one of our clients and want to make sure that they are safe and comfortable in their homes. Whether you have of these three issues we discussed today, or something else entirely, Catalyst Electric has the expertise to get it taken care of. If you’d like to stay in touch and hear more helpful information about staying safe with electricity, be sure to follow us on social media using the links listed below.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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