3 Electrical Upgrades for a More Seamless Real Estate Sale

When people are getting ready to sell their homes, it’s not uncommon for them to start making repairs. Sometimes they will start fixing things they never thought about fixing the whole time they lived there. Of course, you want to make your house attractive and presentable. But sometimes upgrades for style or aesthetics aren’t going to make a bigger difference in the sale of your home as necessary maintenance or upgrades for safety. There are some things that if left ignored, can cause a delay in your real estate closing. Some are required by lenders, and others may show up on your inspection report.  If you would like to learn some common upgrades and repairs that you should consider making before putting your home on the market, we have the details for you in today’s blog.

1) Upgrading Old Breaker Box

Electrical needs have changed significantly in the past decade or two and older homes were not built to accommodate the amount of electricity we use today. It is essential for the safety of your home and family that you don’t overload your electrical system. If you have an older breaker box, it is a good idea have it checked out to make sure it is sufficient. That means knowing you have the right breakers for the load that will be placed on them, and that everything is wired correctly. Catalyst Electric knows what your needs are can help you get upgraded properly. 

2) Update Improper Wiring

It is also important to make sure your wiring is up to code before you put your home on the market and to have it checked for aluminum wire. Aluminum wire is not safe, and in some cases a home with aluminum wire may be considered uninsurable. Another thing to look for is to make sure any wire connections are inside junction boxes and using the proper wire nuts. Having a qualified electrician at Lake of the Ozarks look at your wiring can help you take care of these things before a buyer uses them as a reason to pay less for your home. It also helps your buyers know that you have done the proper maintenance and they are not buying a home that could potentially be full of costly electrical problems.

3) Install GFCI‘s Where Needed

As you may know from our last blog, GFCI outlets are designed with a built-in safety feature to shut off the power if there is an electrical fluctuation or short such as occurs when water comes in contact with an outlet.  Any outlet that is near a water source or moisture prone areas should be a GFCI outlet. That is not always a requirement, but it can be for some lenders. If so, that means that before you will be allowed to close, those outlets must be upgraded. It’s better to take care of that preventatively so your real estate closing does not get delayed.

Call Catalyst for Inspections or Repairs! 

If you realize you have some of these problems, don’t worry. Catalyst Electric is here to help. We can take a look to see what condition your home is in, and get the repairs done before you put your home on the market. If your home is already on the market and you have gotten an inspection report that points out some electrical issues, give us a call! We work very hard to accommodate real estate transactions and help everyone get to the closing table on time. For all your electrical services at Lake of the Ozarks, you can count on Catalyst Electric to keep you safe. Stay in touch and hear more helpful tips about electrical work at Lake of the Ozarks by following us on social media using the links below.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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