3 Electrical Upgrades You May Like (or Need) in YOUR Home

When it comes to home improvements, some upgrades are for aesthetics, and others are for safety. That is true when it comes to electrical upgrades as well. Some electrical updates you might not even notice or see, but they provide the proper level of safety that you need to keep you, your home and your family from risk of short or fire. At Catalyst Electric, we take care of electrical remodels and upgrades for residential and commercial clients every day. If you’re considering doing some home improvements, we have a few for you to consider to bring your home up-to-date and up to code. If you’d like to hear some updates you could do for both safety and style, just keep reading.

1) Light Fixtures

Light fixtures are one of those instantly gratifying upgrades because you can see such a big and immediate impact. Your choice of light fixture can really set the tone for the style of your house. It can brighten it up immensely and make it feel bigger and more open. Plus, we can get light to exactly where you need it most. New fixtures can also add to efficiency if you upgrade to LED bulbs at the same time. Not only are LED bulbs more efficient, they produce far less heat and are therefore a safer option, as well.

2) Outlets

Outlets, of course, will not be as noticed as much as light fixtures, but they are extremely important when it comes to safety. There are several things to look at when considering upgrading your outlets. First of all, any outlet near water or moisture prone areas should be GFCI outlets. GFCI outlets will disconnect if they short out or come in contact with water. It is a very important feature for your safety, so if you don’t have GFCI‘s near water, Catalyst Electric can help you replace those outlets. The next thing to look for are ungrounded outlets. If your outlets only have two holes instead of three, then they are missing the ground prong. That cannot be fixed as easily as changing out the outlets. If you don’t have a ground wire in your wiring, you’ll need to add a ground wire in order for a three prong outlet to be effective. If your current outlets are just fine, but you just need some extra outlets in strategic places to be handier for everyday us, our electricians can take care of that for you, too. 

3) Electrical Panel

Depending on the age of your house, your electrical panel may not have been made with the capacity to handle the amount of electronics and appliances used in today’s household. It is critical that your electrical panel is big enough or suited for the demands you place on it every day. Give our licensed electricians at Lake of the Ozarks a call and we can take a look at your electrical panel and make sure that it is sufficient for your daily demand. 

Electrical Upgrades for Style, Safety, AND Efficiency! 

From updating fixtures to an entire room addition, Catalyst is here to help you with any of your electrical upgrades. Whether you’re interested in more style, more efficiency, more safety, or all three, you can count on our electrical services at Lake of the Ozarks to get you  taken care of. When safety and style matter to you, give Catalyst a call. To hear more tips and helpful information from Catalyst Electric, don’t forget to follow us on social media using the links below.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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