5 Electrical Safety Tips to Keep You Safe On Your Dock

At Catalyst Electric, we believe you can never think too much about dock safety. The safety of you, your loved ones, and your neighbors depends on it. We would like to see no more victims of electrocution at Lake of the Ozarks. As dock electricians at Lake of the Ozarks, we know what the most common safety hazards are. So, in this week's blog, we wanted to give you five things to think about when it comes to staying safe on your dock.

photo credit: Fun Lake MO

1. Annual Inspections

We feel it is so important for you to have your dock inspected every single year, that we offer those inspections for free. There’s a lot your dock goes through in the winter time including the drawdown, and quite often storms and winds. These things can affect your electrical system, and should be checked every spring. In addition, codes are constantly changing. We stay aware of all the latest updates and can make sure you are code compliant, and safe.

2. Shore Disconnect

It is absolutely essential to have a disconnect for your dock’s electricity on the bank so you don’t have to get on the dock to disconnect it. If there’s any stray electricity in the water, or a wire or part of the dock’s electrical system gets submerged, you should be able to disconnect it quickly and easily. If you do not have a disconnect on shore, Catalyst Electric can install one for you.

3. Conduit

All of the wiring on your dock should be in proper conduit. We have seen way too many docks with wires that are not protected in conduit. You also want to make sure there are no breaks in the conduit. Docks move several feet during the winter drawdown, sometimes conduit can come apart at the joints, which can lead to breaking or cutting of the wires. That can cause a short that can be a major safety hazard. If you see separated conduit, or wire with no conduit, call Catalyst Electric to have that

4. Don’t Do-It-Yourself with Dock Electricity

You may be very comfortable fixing things around the house, and maybe even confident changing electrical outlets in your house. But when it comes to dock electricity, there are too many variables and the stakes are too high. It is not recommended that you try to DIY anything with your docks electricity. remedied.

5. Shock IQ

After all these things, you can go the extra mile by having a Shock IQ unit installed on your dock. It will sense any stray electricity in the water and shut off the electricity to your dock if it senses any. It is a small investment that can literally protect people from drowning or being electrocuted in the water.

Catalyst Electric is Here to Keep You Safe!

Catalyst Electric knows the lake of the Ozarks and has wired and serviced more docks than we can count here. We can help keep you safe with any of the above services. If you have not had your dock inspected yet this year please give us a call right away. We will have more helpful tips and information about electric services at Lake of the Ozarks regularly. If you’d like to stay in touch, be sure to follow us on social media using the links below.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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