Protecting Your Home With a Whole House Surge Protector

 If you’ve ever known someone who has had a major lightning strike at their house, you know it can be devastating. The number of electronics and appliances with motherboards and circuitry that can be affected by a lightning strike is overwhelming. None of them are cheap, or something you want to do without. Having your refrigerator destroyed or your HVAC system ruined in a fraction of a second can leave you in a terrible position depending on what time of the year it is. You also face the further loss of food spoilage, etc. That doesn’t even mention your computers, hard drives, and the information stored on them. You have a lot of valuables that can be negatively affected by an electrical surge. But don’t worry, you can protect them all with a whole-home surge protector. Catalyst Electric has installed countless whole house surge protectors at Lake of the Ozarks and our clients love them! If you would like to hear more about how they work and how to get one, just read on!

How It Works

By connecting a whole home surge protector to your electrical service box, your electrical system as a whole will be protected. That means every outlet, every appliance, and every wire connecting them. It will work in the event of a large surge like those caused by lightning, and also smaller surges that can happen from short circuits, malfunctions by the power company, tripped breakers, and large appliances kicking on. Over time those smaller surges can affect the performance and lifespan of your electronics and appliances, so reducing those can be beneficial in the long run too.

Safer During Storms

Without a whole home surge protector, when a storm pops up unpredictably as they do here in Missouri, you would have to be home and physically unplug your computer, electronics, and appliances, to protect them from the risk of lightning. If you work from home or rely heavily on your computer or the information stored on its hard drive, that’s not a chance you want to take. In addition, even unplugging your appliances and electronics, you still have a chance of damage to the rest of your electrical system like wiring. That is why whole-home surge protectors exist. They offer a level of protection beyond what you are able to do for yourself.

Cost of Not Having One

Can you imagine having to replace all of your appliances, all of your electronics, your HVAC, and more all the same time without notice? That is what you could be facing without the protection of a whole-home surge protector. But you don’t have to take that chance. 

Added Benefits

Investing in a whole-home surge protector for your own protection can even make your house more attractive to potential buyers. If and when you ever decide to sell your home, buyers know that they have that protection and that their appliances and home systems will not be at risk. This can help your home stand out compared to other homes on the market, and possibly even sell for more money.

LED Bulbs

LED bulbs actually have a circuit board inside them, which makes them even more vulnerable to electrical surges. Many people have started switching to LEDs because of their great energy efficiency and because they don’t put off as much heat. But LED bulbs are more expensive, and having to replace every single one in your house at the same time can add up.

Providing Solutions and Eliminating Risks

A whole-home surge protector can be a great solution on many levels. If you’re a second homeowner and are not here for every storm, it is obviously a worthwhile investment. If you work from home and are highly dependent on your computers and electronics, you have peace of mind knowing that surges large and small will not affect your work and your livelihood. But for the average homeowner, it is worth it just to know that your appliances and major systems like HVAC will not be affected by an electrical surge. If you have questions or are ready to get a whole-home surge protector installed by our team of skilled electricians at Lake of the Ozarks, all you have to do is give us a call. For all your electrical services at Lake of the Ozarks, you can count on Catalyst Electric. Be sure to follow us on social media to hear more tips and helpful hints. We have links to our channels listed below.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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