Spring Energy Savings Ideas from Catalyst Electric!

With the spring flowers starting to pop, we know the season is here. As you are working on your spring to-do list, now is a great time to think about ways you can save on your energy bill. At Catalyst Electric, we have a few ideas that we can share with you in this blog to help with your energy bill this spring.


Switching out your incandescent and fluorescent bulbs to LED bulbs is a great way to start. LED bulbs use less energy and last much longer than traditional light bulbs. Keep in mind, that some LED bulbs should not be used in enclosed fixtures. They also may not be compatible with your current dimmer switch. If you want to upgrade to LED bulbs and the dimming feature doesn’t work, give your trusted electrician at Lake of the Ozarks a call and we will see if you may be able to upgrade to a newer fixture or find a different type of LED bulb. Another idea for saving energy is to install motion sensors so lights turn off automatically when you’re not using them. 

Reduce Waste

Once it is time to turn your AC on, having holes or leaks around doors, windows or outlets, can be a source of energy waste. During the windy days of spring, it’s a good time to feel around your doors and windows to see if there is a draft. If so, use the proper materials to seal or minimize those drafts and keep cold air from escaping when you crank up the AC this summer. 


For a while, there are likely to be some temperate days where you won’t need your HVAC system for heating or cooling. Take advantage of those days by opening the windows, and giving your HVAC system a rest. It’s a great way to air your home out and save on your energy bill. Once you do have to start using AC regularly, don’t forget to change out your filter. It will help your AC run more efficiently, and help you breathe healthier air. Once you switch over to AC from heat, switch your ceiling fan too. You want it to be pushing air down in the winter and pulling it up in the summer.

Smart Technology

You can save energy when you are not at home by not heating and cooling as much when you are away. By having a smart thermostat installed, you can control your home’s temperature from your phone and set it to adjust the temperature each day when you are at work. You don’t even have to think about it.

Give Catalyst Electric

We hope you found these tips helpful for ways to save energy as the warmer weather approaches. If you need help with any of these upgrades like swapping out your thermostat or upgrading light fixtures, we are happy to help. We do high-quality electrical work at the Lake of the Ozarks and are capable of completing projects large and small. For all of your electrical contracting needs, our team is well qualified to serve you. If you’d like to hear more helpful hints from Catalyst Electric, we invite you to follow us on our social media channels using the easy links below.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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