How Switching to LED Lighting Enhances Safety AND Savings!
There are a lot of great advantages to using LED lighting. But as electrical contractors at the Lake of the Ozarks, we’ve noticed that not all homeowners and businesses are taking advantage of them. If you’ve been considering making the switch to LED, but haven’t decided whether it’s worth it, we have a few ideas in this week’s blog explaining why you might want to make the move. If you’d like to learn the advantages of LED lighting in your home or business just keep reading this blog.
1) Lifespan
LED light bulbs last way longer than traditional incandescent light bulbs. That means you will not only save the cost of replacing bulbs on a regular basis, but you also save the hassle of changing them. That can be very significant if you have a lot of bulbs that are in high or lofted ceilings and hard-to-reach places. If you have to use a ladder or scissor lift to change your light bulbs, then switching to LED is a no-brainer. Having LED lighting is also beneficial for safety when it comes to things like stairway and security lighting.
2) Safety
LED lights produce virtually no heat. Incandescent light bulbs spend about 90% of their energy on heat production and only 10% of the energy used actually produces light. Not so with LED bulbs. The majority of the energy used for LED bulbs goes for the actual light. As far as energy efficiency, switching to LED lightbulbs can potentially save 30 to 70%. But it is not just about saving money on your energy bill. Heat can be hazardous and lead to fires. So low heat light bulbs are a great alternative when it comes to safety AND savings.
3) Durability
LED light bulbs are tough. They can withstand harsh conditions and are resistant to shock, impact, and vibrations. That makes them an excellent solution for outdoor lighting. They can still have a long lifespan even when exposed to wind, rain, and other elements, which makes them a great option for parking lot lighting.
Catalyst can Help You Make the Switch!
As you can see, there are several reasons that LED lighting may be a great investment for your home or business. All of them lead to saving time, energy, or money. LED light bulbs last longer, use less energy, produce less heat, and are much tougher than their incandescent counterparts. In fact, switching to LED lighting is so beneficial that you can even get rebates if you own a business for going all LED at the Lake of the Ozarks. If you’re ready to start taking advantage of the numerous benefits of LED lighting, contact your trusted electricians at Lake of the Ozarks. Catalyst Electric can help you upgrade to LEDs so you can start reaping the benefits. If you are interested in hearing more news and tips about electrical innovations and home improvement ideas from Catalyst Electric, don’t forget to follow us on social media. You can use the links below to find our channels.
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