Dock Safety Tips from Catalyst Electric

It is always a good time to be thinking about dock safety! Spring is right around the corner, and everybody will be spending time on the dock soon. But winter can be very hard on your dock’s electrical system. With the water drawdown and the shifting of the dock, wires can be stretched and broken, or damaged. Some issues may be unnoticeable or in places where you might not know to look. Because electricity and water are such a dangerous mix, making sure your dock’s electrical system is safe is of paramount importance and something Catalyst Electric is dedicated to! So, if you’d like to hear 3 tips on how to keep your dock safe when it comes to electricity, just keep reading this blog.

Keep an Eye on Conduit

It’s actually a good idea to keep an eye on your conduit all the time. Whenever you go to the dock just look around and make sure there are no separations between the lengths of conduit. If you notice two pieces of conduit have come unattached, you should have it checked out by a professional. It may look like they just need to be reattached, but if there has been much movement while they’ve been detached, that can cause pinching and breaking of wires. If an exposed wire comes in contact with the metal frame of the dock, it can cause it to be energized. So always keep an eye on the conduit, and if you see a tear or break, call a professional electrician at Lake of the Ozarks

Yearly Dock Inspection

You should have your dock inspected yearly by a qualified electrician. How do you know if your electrician is qualified? When it comes to dock inspections, they should be a member of Lake of the Ozarks Association of Electrical Contractors. LOAEC is a nonprofit group of electricians focused on self-accountability, training, and testing in municipal ordinances, codes, and quality workmanship concerning Lake of the Ozarks docks and general electric work. They provide a means and method for certification of electricians and electrical contractors so the work that is being done is up to code and safety requirements. When Catalyst Electric inspects your dock they know what to look for.  Even if it’s not obvious on the outside, they can tell if the person who originally wire the dog did it correctly or not, they can tell if the proper breakers are installed, and so much more. Catalyst considers yearly inspections so important, they offer them for free, so don’t take chances, take advantage of a great opportunity to know your dock is safe.

Don’t DIY Your Dock Electricity

You may be an accomplished handyman, but dock codes at Lake of the Ozarks are constantly changing. There are a lot of specifics regarding electricity on the water that must be understood in order to avoid any safety hazards. Whenever you have an issue with your dock’s electricity, you want to rely on the best electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks to diagnose it and repair it. This is not only for your safety and the safety of your friends and family but also for your neighbors and anyone else in the water near your dock.

Catalyst Cares About Your Safety!

At Catalyst Electric, we are honored to serve the Lake of the Ozarks, and we are up to the special challenge of the unique electrical needs of the lake area. We do not want to hear of any more electrocutions happening at our lake. We are here to provide services and products that can help prevent tragedies and keep everyone having fun and making memories which is the whole reason for spending time at Lake of the Ozarks. Help us help you by calling us for a free dock inspection at Lake of the Ozarks. Our schedule fills up quickly, so call right away to get on the schedule ASAP. If you would like to stay in touch with us and hear more helpful tips and tricks about electrical services at Lake of the Ozarks, we invite you to follow us on social media. We’ve included links to our channels below for your convenience.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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