Why You Should Switch to LED Lighting
LED lighting isn't new but many homeowners and businesses are still not taking advantage of the many benefits of LED lighting. If you've been reluctant to switch out your lighting to LEDs, our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks would like to share with you 4 benefits of LED lighting!
#1 LED Longevity
One of the most significant advantages of switching to LED bulbs is the lifespan, especially when you compare them to traditional incandescent light bulbs. On average, an LED bulb can last between 50,000 to 100,000 operating hours more which equates to 2-4 times as long.
#2 Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is another huge advantage to making the switch to LED bulbs. Switching to LED bulbs have the potential to improve energy efficiency by 30-70%.
#3 Enhanced Safety
When it comes to all forms of electricity, you should always keep safety in mind. Older style light bulbs can produce a significant amount of heat. Heat can be a hazard. The benefits of LED bulbs is that they produce almost no heat at all. A standard incandescent bulb converts 90% of its energy consumption to heat which means only 10% of the energy is actually used light! Whereas LED bulbs use most of its energy consumption for the actual light.
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