Everyday Electrical Issues That Could be More Dangerous Than They Seem
We've probably all seen a flickering light, a breaker trip, or even an outlet that no longer works. While these may seem like minor annoyances in your home, they could be potentially dangerous. Not sure when you should be concerned with electrical issues in your home? Read on to learn about a few everyday electrical issues that could be more dangerous than they seem.
#1 Frequent Light Bulbs Burning Out
Lightbulbs that burn out frequently could be a bigger issue than simply overuse. There could be a loose connection in the socket or the circuit. If you have a specific light fixture that you find yourself changing the light bulb frequently, you may need to call your trusted Lake of the Ozarks electrician to see if there is a bigger issue.
#2 Dead Outlets
If you have an outlet that doesn't work, there is a reason it stopped working in the first place and should be looked at by a licensed electrician. A dead outlet can be caused by a tripped breaker from heat build-up that results in melting wires, or a tripped breaker from a poor connection.
#3 Frequently Tripped Breakers
A tripped breaker is a built-in safety feature in your electrical system. When your circuit is overloaded, it sends a signal to shut off all power to avoid a spark that could potentially cause an electrical fire. If your breaker is tripping frequently there is likely an issue that needs to be addressed in a timely manner.
#4 Flickering Lights
Do you have one specific light in your home that is dimming or flickering? While this may not seem like a big deal, it could be the sign of a poor connection. If there is a poor connection, an arc could occur resulting in a fire.
#5 Outlets or Switches That Are Warm
Anytime that an outlet or switch is warm, it can be a serious safety concern. If you notice a warm outlet or switch you should take it seriously.
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