Are Your Electrical Outlets Up to date?

 You likely don't think about the outlets in your home unless something goes wrong. However, depending on how old your home and how you use your outlets, it may be time for an upgrade! Not sure if your outlets are up-to-date? Find out three sings it's time to upgrade your outlets below! 

Sign #1 Two Prong Outlets 


If your home still has two-prong outlets, you won't be able to plug in 3-prong prong appliances and electronics. However, this might be the least of your worries. Two-prong outlets can be a huge safety risk due to electrical shock and risking frying your electronics. 


You'll need to replace the two-prong outlets with three-prong outlets, but not so fast - in addition to changing out the outlet, you'll need to also rewire the panel with a 3-wire circuit. The prong is for grounding, without rewiring the circuit, you won't get the enhanced safety. 

Sign #2 You Experience a Shock in Your Bathroom 


If you got shocked in your bathroom it's likely that you don't have GFCI outlets installed. GFCI outlets have "test" and "reset" buttons on the receptacles. If water gets into the outlet, the outlet immediately stops flow of current and prevents it from flowing into you. 


Call a licensed electrician at the Lake of the Ozarks to upgrade your bathroom outlets to GFCI outlets. It's not worth yours or your family's safety to not have GFCI outlets in high moisture areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and garages. 

Sign #3 Your Worried About Your Kids Safety Around Outlets 


If you've got small children running and crawling around your home it's not a matter of if they will stick an object into an outlet, it's when. Upgrading your outlets to childproof outlets is simple, and relatively inexpensive. 


There are many solutions to upgrading your outlets but the best way is to install tamper-resistant receptacles. These outlets require equal pressure in all prolongs before electricity will flow. They are very simple for adults to use, but they still provide the enhanced safety needed for small curious fingers. 

Contact Catalyst Electric for Help! 

We want to keep you and your family safe! Not having the correct outlets in your home can be a safety hazard to everyone in the home. Need help upgrading the outlets in your home? Call Catalyst Electric and we will install new outlets and ensure your home's electrical system is up to code.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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