Tips for Teaching Kids About Electrical Safety!

 Electricity is part of our e everyday life. So much so that we probably don't think about it often because it is second nature to our everyday life. It's important to keep in mind that electricity can be dangerous if used incorrectly or if we aren't practicing electrical safety. This is especially true for children. Although some things may seem simple to us, it's critical that we teach our children about electrical safety! Many accidents could be avoided if proper electrical safety is taught and followed. Not sure how to go about teaching children about electrical safety? Get a few tips from your trusted electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks - Catalyst Electric! 

Make it Fun and Engaging

Let's face it, learning about electrical safety is not the most fun subject to learn about. It is easy for kids to disengage and become uninterested in what you are talking about. You should try to make it fun and age-appropriate. Here are a few ideas to make teaching them about electricity a little more fun. 

Keep it Simple

You should be enthusiastic when teaching them to keep them engaged. You also want to keep it as simple as possible so they understand. Teach them things like don't stick anything into outlets, what is electricity and why it's dangerous etc...

Be Relatable 

One of the easiest ways to teach a child is to relate it to something that they are interested in. For example, if they love superheroes, tell them that Storm, from the X-Men, saves the world with a powerful hammer. The reason he can do that is that he understands electricity and always wants to keep everyone safe because he is a superhero. If your children have other characters that they admire, try to relate back to them telling them that those characters care about their safety and understand the importance of electrical safety. 

Show them a Video 

Especially in today's technology-driven world, kids can learn a lot from watching a video. Have your kids watch a short video and then talk about what they learned afterward.  

Go For a Walk

Kids and adults both learn greatly from hands-on learning. Take them around your home and explain the dangers of electricity around your home. Show them electrical outlets, and talk about appliances in your home. Stress the dangers of sticking anything into an electrical outlet besides a plug. Don't forget to mention to not overcrowd the outlets either. If your kids are into games and electronics it is important that they know that a fire can start if they plug too many things into an outlet. 

Don't forget to go outside! If you live in a neighborhood, remind them to never go near the big green boxes because they are very dangerous. If you live or vacation at the Lake, don't forget to talk about dock safety! You should help your children to understand the dangers of electricity on your dock and about how dock shock can happen. Let them know if they ever feel a tinge in the water, they should ALWAYS swim away and not exit at the dock. For more dock safety tips, read our blog Tips for Dock Electricity Safety

We hope that you find these tips helpful and you can apply them to teach children about the importance of electrical safety. According to ESFi, 24,000+ children under the age of 10 are treated in the emergency room yearly for an electrical outlet injury alone. We want to help keep you and your family safe!

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  


1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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