Save Energy this Spring with These Tips! πŸ’‘

Spring is almost here! Spring is a great time for some home maintenance as the weather begins to warm up. You may be doing some spring cleaning and a few home maintenance tasks. While you are completing your home maintenance, it's a good idea to think about some ways you can save money. A great place to start is cutting back on your energy consumption. Read on to find find a few ways you can start saving on energy costs this spring from Catalyst Electric!

1) Start with Your Water Heater 

Did you know that your water heater has settings regarding how hot to keep your water in the tank? Turning down your water heater even by 10 degrees can help to cut your costs by 3-5%. Imagine if you turned it down by just 20 degrees, you could save substantially on your bill.

However, if you have an old water heating unit, turning down the temperature may not help as much as you want it to. Consider upgrading to an Energy Star-rated tank. A new water heater may cost you upfront but the amount of energy you save over time will be well worth it.

2) Turn Your Lights Off!

This may seem like a no-brainer but making sure that lights are turned off when you leave a room can save you money on your electric bill.

For business, this is easier said than done. Consider installing motion sensors inside your business! Rooms like the bathroom, breakrooms, and hallways can go unused for hours. Not only will this be convenient, but it will also save you big time on your energy bill at your business. If you are interested in having motion sensors installed at your business, contact Catalyst Electric!

3) Switch to LED Light Bulbs 

If you are still using incandescent light bulbs, you are missing out on energy efficiency. When LED lights first came onto the market they were pretty expensive, but that's just not the case anymore. Switching to LED lights will not only make your rooms brighter but can help save up to 75% on lighting costs. Plus, LED bulbs to last much longer, so you won't have to replace them as often.

4) Install a Programmable or Smart Thermostat 

There is nothing worse than paying for heating and cooling when you are not at home for 8+ hours a day. Installing a programmable thermostat is the perfect solution. When you program your thermostat to change while you are away, it will do it automatically so you don't have to manually do it every day. A general rule of thumb is for every degree of adjustment, you can save by 1%.

5) Have Your HVAC System Looked At  

Your heating and cooling system contributes to 40% of your energy bill on average. It may be time for a tune-up. Contact your local heating and air guy to ensure your system is working properly. If your system is more than 10 years old, it may be time for an upgrade.

6) Open Up Your Windows 

On a nice spring day, why not open your windows up and let some fresh in your home. After your windows have been closed for the winter, letting some fresh air can give your home a fresh smell. Plus, when your windows are open, you can turn your HVAC system off, which can help you  cut back on your energy bill. 

7) Install Solar Panels! 

Have you been tossing out the idea of installing solar panels but not sure where to start? Catalyst Electric is a certified Soar Installer! If you have questions or if you’d like to start the process this soon, give our team a call!

If you are looking for ways to start saving on energy, reach out to our team! Whether you need help with a few simple tasks like switching to LED lighting, installing a programmable thermostat, or a more involved project like installing solar panels at your home or business, our team is here to help! Give us a call and we’d love to help you start saving on your energy consumption! 

Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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