Cut Back on Energy Usage this Summer

Summer is almost officially here but the temps have been warm for weeks. If you're worried about your upcoming electric bill, our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks is here for you with some tips to reduce your energy consumption this summer! Many of these changes aren't drastic and can really save you big in the long run! Check them out and start saving today:

Run Appliances During Cooler Parts of the Day

Large appliances, like your dishwasher, stove, and washer and dryer all consume a big portion of your electricity throughout the day. These appliances also create heat inside your home. Keep your home cooler and your energy consumption lower by running these appliances in the cooler parts of the day. First thing in the morning and later in the evening after the sun has set is the optimal time for appliance use, when possible.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

If you are gone during the day, there is usually not a need to keep your home nice and cool for no one to enjoy. A programmable thermostat or a smart thermostat gives you the ability to control the temperature the inside of your home is at each time of the day (without manually having to change it). It's recommended to let your temperature rise a few degrees when you leave for the day and bring it back down to your preferred temp 30 minutes before you return home. You can also easily control your temp if you are heading out of town for an extended time. If you aren't home to enjoy the refreshing air, there is no reason to be spending the extra money to cool a home that no one is using at the time!

Ensure Doors & Windows are Properly Sealed

Any opening in your walls creates a potential for cool air to leak out and warm air to seep in. Look over your doors and windows to ensure they are properly sealed. If you can see daylight around the edge of your door, that means the hot summer temps are making their way into your home, which makes it more difficult for your HVAC system to keep your home cool.

Bump Up Your Thermostat a Few Degrees

Usually, a few degrees doesn't feel like much of a difference. Try bumping your temperature up a few degrees when the temps get really hot this summer. A way to combat this increase is to use fans throughout your home to keep the air moving and therefore help you feel cooler when in reality your air temp is a little warmer than you're used to.

Get the Family on Board

Encourage your family to be smart about energy consumption. Closing the exterior doors behind you, turning lights off when you walk out of a room and unplugging unused devices are all ways to cut back on your energy usage around your home. A group effort can really make a big difference once you get everyone in your household on board!

Now that you know some of the easy ways you can save money on your next electric bill, you're ready to make these small changes to your everyday life. Here at Catalyst Electric, we can also help by installing LED lights, get your home set up with a smart thermostat, or help you determine other sources of energy consumption that are not necessary. Contact the best electrician at the Lake of the Ozarks today and we'll come out to your home and have you well on your way to consuming less electricity!

Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax


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