How to Teach Kids about Smoke Detector and Fire Safety

It’s never to early to start teaching kids about fire safety! Unfortunately, house fires occur on a daily basis, so teaching kids at a young age about fire safety is important. A great place to begin is to teach a lesson on smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are extremely important in your home and could save your life if a fire were to start in your home. Curious about how to teach kids about smoke detectors? Read on to get some tips from our electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks.

Get the Kids Involved! 

It’s recommended to change your smoke detector batteries 1-2 times per year. When it’s time to change your batteries, take this opportunity to teach your kids about the importance of smoke detectors. Let them help change the batteries and explain the importance of caring for your smoke detectors in your home. Sound off the smoke alarms so they know what they sound like and will be able to recognize the sound in the event of a fire. Explain that when they hear it sound off it’s a warming to quickly get out of the house.

Explain Fire Safety So It’s Easy to Understand 

Explain the basics of fire safety so they will know what to do if a fire started. Share these tips with your kids.

You Shouldn’t Hide From Fire 

Younger kids may not understand fire and how it works. Kids can get scared and they may want to try and hide. Try and explain to them you can’t hide from fire. It’s a good idea to com up with a plan of where you would go if the smoke alarms started to go off. Practice your fire escape plan with them so they know what to do.

Stop, Drop, and Roll 

Practicing stop, drop, and roll could save a life if their clothing caught on fire.

Make it Fun! 

To help kids retain the information about smoke sectors and fire safety, make it fun! Use games, role playing activities, online resources, or marking in a calendar when you should change your smoke detector batteries again.

Check Out These Handy Websites for More Resources 

Teaching kids about fires safety and smoke alarms is important. A leading cause of house fires come from electrical issues. If you experience any problems it’s important to reach out to a professional electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks. We can also help you install or replace your existing smoke smoke alarms. Having working smoke alarms is important for your safety and the safety of your family. Give us a call for all your electrical needs!

Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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