Electrical Fire Prevention

The mishandling of electrical devices contributes to house fires that happen every day. According to the National Fire Protection Association, every 24 seconds a fire department in the United States responds to a fire. Catalyst Electric wants help keep you and your family safe from a potential electrical fire. Read on to get a few tips for preventing a house fire from our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks.

#1 Don't Overload Your Outlets 

We live in an electronic world. which means many of us are more than likely plugging entirely too many devices into our electrical outlets. Our home's circuits are designed to only handle so much. It is important to not overload your outlets because this can cause an electrical fire. If being able to use all of your electrical devices at one time is a must, you should use safe surge protection or install more outlets in your home. 

#2 Make Sure You Have GFCI Outlets in High Moisture Areas 

All outlets that have the potential to be in contact with water should be equipt with GFCI outlets. It's easy to find out if you already have GFCI outlets in your home. GFCI outlets have the "test" and "reset" button. These outlets are designed to cut off power if moisture is detected. If you find out that you don't have GFCI outlets in your kitchen, bathroom, utility room, and the garage, call your trusted electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks and we can install them for you!

#3 Keep an Eye on Your Appliances

It's important to keep an eye on your appliances to make sure they are running properly. This is especially true if you use any space heaters in your home. You should never leave a space heater unattended.

#4 Be Aware of Your Curtains 

Curtains or drapes can be a fire hazard if left near electrical devices. Electrical devices produce heat and heat can cause a fire. Most electrical devices do not produce a lot of heat but it does not take a lot to start a fire. Keep your curtains away from cords, outlets, and other electrical devices.

#5 Old Appliances Should be Replaced 

If you have older appliances that aren't working as well they use to it may be a good idea to replace them. If you have small appliances that spark when you plug them in or large appliances like a microwave that trip your breaker often, you should seriously consider replacing them. Underperforming appliances can be a fire hazard and is it really worth a fire to extend the life of your appliances for a few more months?

Contact Catalyst Electric to Ensure Your Electrical System Up to Code 

If you’re concerned about your electrical system, it’s important to take your concerns and problems seriously. It’s best to address issues as they arise to ensure you keep your family safe from a potential electrical fire. Give your trusted electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks a call if you have any issues for your home’s electrical system!

Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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