Play it Safe - Get Your Yearly Dock Inspection!

Spring will be here before we know it which means boating season is on its way. If you own a dock at the Lake of the Ozarks, it's important to ensure your dock's electrical is working properly and safe for nearby swimmers. Docks that lack proper safety features on their electrical system can be extremely dangerous and sometimes fatal. Winter weather and temperature changes can affect your dock's electrical system, so it's best to get your dock inspected every year. Read on to get a few dock safety tips from Catalyst Electric!

Hire a Professional Electrical Contractor 

A lot of people think they can fix issues that arise on their own. While there are a lot of home projects that you are more than capable of tackling on your own, electricity needs to be taken seriously. When the electricity is located near the water, it adds an added danger to the mix. Any time you think there is an issue with your dock, contact only the best electrician at the Lake of the Ozarks to fix your issue. Don't risk your friends, families, or your safety this summer. If the electrical current were to get into the water where there are nearby swimmers, electric shock could occur. Avoid this by calling Catalyst Electric with all your electrical issues! 

Inspect Conduit 

You should inspect your conduit frequently. Check for things like tears in the conduit. If there is a tear in your conduit, your wires are exposed and could be dangerous if they come into contact with water or the medal dock frame. Taping the conduit back together is NOT a good way to fix the issue. This will not fix your issue and is still dangerous. If you notice a tear, to ensure your safety is not at risk, turn off the dock's electricity and call a professional electrician at the Lake of the Ozarks!

Free Dock Inspections! 

You really have no excuse for your dock to not have a proper inspection because Catalyst Electric does FREE dock inspections at the Lake of the Ozarks. Sometimes, you can't always see issues on the outside. When we come to inspect your dock, we can check for the things that you don't know to look for. For example, the original person who installed the wiring in your dock could have installed the wire incorrectly and the conduit hides the evidence. If the wiring is not installed properly, and it comes into contact with the wood of the dock or metal frame if the dock is not properly grounded it could energize the entire dock. This is why is so important to get your dock inspected often!

Contact Catalyst Electric to Ensure Your Dock is Safe! 

It's never too early to start thinking about getting your dock inspected at the Lake of the Ozarks. Now is a great time to get on our schedule to ensure we are able to get out to your dock for a free dock inspection. We want to ensure your dock is up to code and safe for your family and friends. Give us a call soon for a FREE dock inspection at the Lake of the Ozarks

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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