Does My Home’s Electrical Wiring Need Updating?

You probably don’t think about your home’s electrical system often...but maybe you should! Just because your lights and your appliances are working doesn’t mean your wiring is. This is true for both older newer homes, but especially for homes that are more than 40 years old. Not sure if your home’s wiring could use an update or inspection? Read on to learn more from our expert electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks!

Why Should I Update My Wiring Anyway?

First and foremost - safety. Electrical safety should never be taken lightly because tragic house fires due to electricity happen every day. According to the National Fire Protection Association, faulty wiring is the leading cause for residential fires.

In addition to safety, bad wiring can effect your homes functionality and realizability. With the increase in power needs from more appliances, bigger appliances, and increased technology, if you live in an older home your existing wiring likely isn’t keeping up with your electrical demands.

How Do I Tell If my Wiring Needs Updated?

Not sure how to tell if your home’s wiring needs updated? You’ll find a few examples below!

Old Wiring

Did you purchase a fixer upper or inherited an older home? Aluminum wiring was used in the 60s and 70s and can be a fire hazard due to loose connections and frayed wires from wear and tear. If you live in an older home or recently acquired one, it’s best to have the home retired — or at least inspected.

Two Prong Outlets

Back to the older homes — older homes often have two probing outlets. The third prong is for grounding and without proper grounding, excess electricity has no where to go so it’s forced to go to your devices, into a surge protector, or even you.


GFCIs (Ground  Fault Circuit Interpret) are important outlets in your home. GFCI outlasts are to be installed in all high moisture areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and garages, You can identify a GFCI outlet by looking for the “TEST” and “RESET” button on the receptacles. If you don’t have any GFCI outlets, it’s best to have a licensed  electrician at the Lake of the Ozarks come out and take a look at your home’s wiring.

No Childproof Outlets

If you have children, child proof outlets are a must. In today’s new homes, tamper resistant receptacles are required These types of outlets require equal pressure in all prongs for electricity to flow. They don’t cost much more than regular outlets and can keep curious toddler fingers from getting choked from an outlet.

You Need More Power

Like we mentioned earlier, our homes are requiring more a an more power with the increasing in technology. Without the proper amount of power in your home, your devices and appliances could get damaged.

Other Indicators You Need New Wiring....

  • Burning smell and/or smoke 
  • Rodent damage 
  • Flickering lights when using other devices 
  • Blown fuses 
  • Tripped breakers

Contact Catalyst Electric for All Your Electrical Needs!

Is your home’s wiring in violation of any of the above issues? If so, it may be time to have your wiring checked over! It’s better to be safe than sorry - give Catalyst Electric a call and we’d happy to come out to your home and take a look at your home’s wiring. We are licensed and insured electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks and we are ready to tackle your next project.

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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