7 Christmas Lights Safety Tips

November is in full swing which means some people are beginning to start thinking about putting up their Christmas decorations if they haven't already. If you hang Christmas lights up on your house, whether you do it soon or wait until after Christmas, there are some safety aspects you will want to keep in mind. If necessary precautions aren't taken, your holiday lights can be a danger. Read on to get a few Christmas lights safety tips from our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks

#1 Inspect Your Lights 

If you are getting out your lights from last year, be sure to check them carefully for cracks and frayed ends. According to the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 780 house fires that were caused by holiday decorations. 

#2 Keep Your Live Tree Watered

If you have a live tree, it is important to keep it well watered. Not only will this keep your tree green and looking great, but it will also keep it from drying out. Electric lights and a dry tree can cause a fire. According to the National Fire Protection Association, fire departments respond to an average of 200 house fires that started from a Christmas tree.

#3 Upgrade to Modern Lights 

If you have been using the same lights for years and years, it may be time to upgrade. Modern lights have fused plugs, which will prevent a spark in the event of a short circuit. 

#4 Watch Your Extention Cords 

If you must use extension cords, you will want to keep a close eye on them. Extension cords can overheat and become dangerous. Check them frequently to ensure they are not getting hot. If your extension cords are on the ground outside, use something to elevate the plugs off the ground such as a brick.

#5 Only Use GFCI Outlets Outdoors 

For your outdoor lights, ensure that you are using GFCI outlets that have the "test" and "reset" buttons. If water or other debris get into your sockets, the GFCI outlet will trip and cut off the power. If you need GFCI outlets installed outdoor, be sure to call an experienced electrician at the Lake of the Ozarks to do it for you. 

#6 Only Use Outdoor Rated Lights Outdoors 

If you are hanging Christmas lights up outdoor, be sure that they are rated for outdoor use. Not all lights are intended to be used outside. Indoor lights often have thinner insulation and can break down to exposed wires. 

#7 Turn Your Lights Off While You Away 

When you leave, you should always turn your Christmas lights off. It can be dangerous to leave them on unattended. 

Catalyst Electric wants to keep you safe this holiday season, so be sure to follow these Christmas Light safety tips to keep both you and your family safe! If you need an extra circuit or two installed in your home to support your holiday lights and decor, reach out to Catalyst Electric! From our team of electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks, Catalyst Electric hopes you have a great holiday season with your families!

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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