Avoid Electric Shock Drowning at Your Dock this Summer!

Some of the best memories are made at the Lake swimming at your dock and taking your boat out for some fun in the sun! Swimming from your dock is a lot of fun but it can be very dangerous if you don't take the proper precautions. If you don't keep your safety top of mind, the water near your dock can be fatal danger and result in Electric Shock Drowning (ESD). We take electrical safety very seriously here at Catalyst Electric, and today, we'd like to share with you more about Electric Shock Drowning and how to avoid this tragedy.

What is Electric Shock Drowning? 

Electric Shock Drowning occurs when electrical current, typically from your dock, travels into the water. Electricity can come from improperly wired pumps, lighting, improperly grounded wires, or even current from the ground. 

When electricity travels through the water and a nearby swimmer is unaware, electrical current sends volts through the swimmer's body. When electrical current runs through your body you become paralyzed - which more times than not results in drowning because you can no longer stay above water.

How Can Electric Shock Drowning Be Prevented?

Electric Shock Drowning can be prevented if you keep safety top of mind and take the necessary steps in prevention.

Ensure Your Dock is Up To Code 

It's imperative that you ensure that your dock's electrical is up to code. You should have your dock inspected at least once per year, if not twice. Catalyst Electric makes this easy because we offer free dock inspection at the Lake of the Ozarks. Give us a call and we will come out of make sure your dock is up to code.

Call an Electrician Immediately if You Suspect an Issue 

If you even slightly suspect there could be an electrical current is running through the water near your dock, contact a certified electrician at the Lake of the Ozarks immediately. Catalyst Electric offers 24/7 emergency service, so you can reach us anytime you have an electrical emergency.

Your Boat Is Dangerous Too 

In addition to your dock, your boat can be another source of ESD. Never swim near your boat if you have the AC power or generator on.

Take Shocks Seriously

If you touch anything metal on our dock like your swim ladder, don't brush this off as no big deal. Call an electrician immediately. It's best to be safe than sorry. 

What Should I do if Electric Shock Occurs? 

It's crucial that you take the necessary steps to try and prevent ESD, but sometimes accidents do still happen. Below are some tips to keep in mind if ESD does occur.

  1. If you feel a shock in the water, swim away from the dock and get as far away as possible. 
  2. Shout for help and warn others not to jump in. 
  3. Turn off the power to the dock immediately. 
  4. If you witness it happening, DO NOT JUMP IN! This will likely be your first instinct, but if you jump in, you won't be doing anyone any good because the electricity will begin to run through your body as well. Instead, toss a floatation device to the victim or push them away from the dock with a non-conductive object. 
  5. Once the victim is out of the water, take them to the hospital immediately. 
No one ever thinks that a tragedy like Electric Shock will happen to them, but accidents happen every year at the Lake. Keep you and your family safe this summer, and call Catalyst Electric to complete a free dock inspection at the Lake of the Ozarks, it could save a life! 

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax




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