Are Sparking Outlets Dangerous?

It's not uncommon to see a spark come out of your outlet when you plug in an appliance. Normally, this is no big deal and you have nothing to worry about. However, in some cases, it can be a warning sign of a problem. It's worth paying attention to because you don't want to put your home at risk of fire. Today, our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks would like to share with you when you should be concerned if your outlet sparks. 

What Causes an Outlet to Spark? 

An electrical current runs throughout your home's electrical system at a high rate of speed. Your electrical system is divided into circuits and most of the time each circuit is responsible for multiple outlets. An electrical current runs through your home in a continuous loop and when you plug something into an outlet there is a split second when the plug and outlet connections are almost touching and that gap in electrical current creates a spark. This actually happens every time you plug something in, but you don't always see it happen. 

When Is an Electrical Spark Concerning? 

Even though electrical sparks are a common occurrence, there are situations where you should be concerned. Below are four types of outlet sparks that you should be concerned about. 

#1 Big Spark 

If sparks are flying out of the outlet holes, this is something that you should be concerned about. A harmless spark would not come all the way out of the outlet holes. 

#2 Long Sparks 

A spark that doesn't raise concerns will be brief and come and go quickly. A spark that lingers on is a sign that you likely have a problem. 

#3 White or Yellow Sparks 

A spark that you don't have to worry about will be blue in color. If your outlet produces a spark that is yellow or white in color it should raise concern. 

#4 The Spark Smells 

When you plug an appliance into an outlet, there should never be a smell associated with it. If an outlet sparks and is followed by the smell of smoke or melting plastic, you should shut off the power to the outlet circuit panel immediately and call for emergency electrical service at the Lake of the Ozarks - like Catalyst Electric! 

What are the Causes of these Problems? 

You may be wondering what causes a bad spark to happen. Below are a few scenarios as to why a spark could happen. 

#1 Short-circuiting 

Short-circuiting is a common problem to have in your home. When a hot wire touches it's neutral or ground wire, it can cause a short circuit. 

#2 Overloading 

Many of us are guilty of overloading our outlets with appliances and devices. When you overload an outlet this can cause an unwanted spark to occur. 

#3 Dated Outlets 

Outlets do wear out and it's important to keep your outlets up to date to avoid a bad spark from occurring. 

#4 Moisture 

If moisture gets into the outlet, there is potential for short-circuiting and other electrical damage - causing a spark. 

#5 Bad Repairs 

If you try to fix electrical issues on your own or you hire an electrician that isn't certified, this could be the cause of your problem. 

Call Catalyst Electric if You See a Bad Spark 

If you ever see a spark that raises concern, it's important to contact a licensed electrician at the Lake of the Ozarks in a timely manner. Catalyst electric is licensed, insured, and well qualified to fix any issue that arises with your electrical system. We offer 24/7  emergency electrical service at the Lake of the Ozarks so it doesn't matter when a problem happens, you can give us a call anytime! 

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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