General Electrical Safety Tips to Keep Top of Mind

We often don't think about it becasue we use electricity every single day but electricity is extremely dangerous if you are not careful and cautious. At Catalyst Electric, we want to raise awareness and keep electrical safety top of mind, always! That's why today, our team of electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks would like to share with your some electrical safety tips to keep in mind when dealing with electricity.

Safe Handling with Plugs, Extention Cords, and Other Cords 

  •  Always pull the plug NOT the cord when you disconnecting an electrical device.
  • The third prong on an electrical device serves as a ground, never cut it off or use it if it is missing. 
  • When using extension cords outdoors, always make sure they are rated to be used outside. 
  • Never place an extension where it will frequently get stepped on such as under rugs or in doorways. 
  • Extension cords should only be used for temporary use and never a permanent solution 
  •  Don't overload your outlets. If multiple devices need to be plugged in, use a certified power strip 

Safe Handling with Appliances, and Other Devices 

  • Always unplug your devices when they are not in use. Not only will this increase safety, but it will also help save on your electric bill
  • Never use an electrical device near moisture or other liquids 
  • Allow for air circulation around appliances, especially if they tend to get warm. 
  • Always turn off the power to a device before you unplug it 

Safe Handling with Electrical Outlets 

  • If children are in the home, make sure you have some kind of child-proof mechanism whether it be a plate cover or the safest option -Installing Tamper Resistant Receptacles Outlets 
  • Make sure you have GFCI outlets installed in high moisture airs of your home
  • Don't overload your outlets 

Some of these tips may seem like no-brainers but believe it or not, accidents happen every day involving electrical misuse. In fact, on average, seven children are treated in a hospital with electrical burns because outlets were not properly covered. An average of 60 people a year die from small appliances like toaster ovens, and lighting equipment. Catalyst Electric wants to keep you safe so if you have any questions feel free to give our electricians in Osage Beach, Mo a call. If there is anything we can do to make your home's electrical safer, give us a call!

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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