4 Benefits of Switching to LED Parking Lot Lights at Your Business

Lighting has come a long way over the years and if you have yet to switch to LED parking lot lighting at your business, you should seriously consider doing so. From energy savings, security reasons, and more, the benefits of installing LED parking lot lights at the Lake of the Ozarks definitely outweigh the initial installation costs. Not convinced LED parking lights are a good fit for your business? Your favorite electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks have some pretty convincing reasons upgrading.

Energy Savings 

Of course, one of the biggest reasons for switching to LED parking lot lights at your business is significantly reducing your energy consumption. Typically, you can reduce your energy consumption by 40-60%. A typical HID parking lot light ranges from 100 to 1000 watts. LED lights, however, range from 40-300 watts, which is what contributes to the energy savings.      

Reduced Maintenance 

When you install LED parking lot lights, you can even save big on maintenance costs. Installing parking lot lights typically require a  bucket truck or lift, which means you have to outsource the maintenance for these lights. LED lighting have a much longer lifespan than your traditional HID parking lot light. In fact, the typical lifespan of an HID parking lot light is 10,000-25000 hours. Whereas a LED parking lot light can last 100,000+ hours.  

Increased Security & Safety 

Even though LED lights use considerably less energy, it doesn't mean that they produce any less light. In fact, an LED light actually produces a brighter light than your standard HID parking lot light. When you have a well lite parking lot, not only do you increase the security at your business, your patrons will also feel safer and at ease at your establishment. 

Receive a Rebate from Ameren Missouri

Did you know that Ameren Missouri's BizSavers® program provides cash incentives for energy efficient lighting upgrades in commercial and industrial buildings? So when you upgrade your parking lot lights to LED lighting, you may qualify for a rebate! When you hire Catalyst Electric to upgrade your parking lot lighting, we will even help you with the paperwork required to receive your rebate.

If you are interested in upgrading your parking lot lights to LED lighting, give Catalyst Electric a call! We are your experienced electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks and we have extensive knowledge in all facets of the electrical system. If have any questions about LED lighting at your business, feel free to give us a call! 

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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