Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances: Here's Why

If you currently have older appliances that are still in working order you may be thinking the classic saying, "well if it isn't broke than don't fix it." However, you may want to consider upgrading because appliances have come a long way in the past several years and you could save big time on your energy bill. Your home appliances account for around 13-15% of your total energy bill. Upgrading may be worth the cost and today, Catalyst Electric, is going to break it down for you.


Since the 90s refrigerators have come a long way in terms of energy consumption. In fact, on average the energy usage has dropped by more than 50%. Many people own refrigerators that are 20 years and seem to still be working great. However, when you switch to an energy star rated refrigerator, you could save as much as 66% on your energy bill! If you have a tight budget and you can't upgrade all of your appliances, upgrading your refrigerator should be one of your first upgrades because it is used the most.

Washing Machines 

When you choose to upgrade to an energy star washing machine not only will you be saving on electricity, you will also be saving on water. Older models, even machines that are 10 years old, use on average 35% more water than newer models. As far as your energy bill goes, you could cut costs by 20% when you upgrade to a new washer.


Dryers haven't changed a lot over the years as far as energy goes. While you will save on your energy bill some, it may not be worth it to purchase a new dryer. Dryers that will save you on your energy bill are the ones that have moisture sensing technology that automatically shut off when your clothes are dry. However, a dryer model like that will be pretty costly.

Hot Water Heater 

Your hot water heater is towards the top of the list for using the most energy out of all your appliances. This is because most hot water heaters keep a tank full of hot water all day long, even when you are not at home using your hot water. A great solution for this is to upgrade to a tankless hot water heater! Seems genius right? This can save on your water energy consumption by 10-40%.

You're probably not going to rush to replace every single appliance in your home to an energy star model because that could get quite costly. However, even replacing one appliance could help save on energy. If you are planning to install any new appliances anytime soon, be sure to keep the best electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks in mind. We can install appliances for you to ensure that everything is hooked up properly. Most appliances require different fittings when installed so letting us take care of installing your appliance at the Lake of the Ozarks and will ensure that is done correctly. For a FREE quote, contact Catalyst Electric!

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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