It's Lightning Safety Awareness Week!

Every year, the last week of June is National Lightning Safety Awareness Week! This week is designed to raise awareness of the dangers of lightning. Even though lightning occurs most of the year in Missouri, Summer is the most dangerous and causes the most injuries/deaths. This is because most serious injuries occur during leisure activities. Often when people are enjoying the outdoors they ignore the dangers of lightning. Today, Catalyst Electric has a few tips for keeping safe this Summer during periods of lighting!

Outdoor Activity Planned? ALWAYS Check The Weather!

Like we mentioned earlier, the most common time for someone to be injured is during the Summer months because often people plan outdoor activities they are not willing to cancel due to a storm. The day of your outdoor activity, make sure to check the weather forecast and plan accordingly. If there are thunderstorms in the forecast be sure you have a backup plan for people to take shelter if lightning strikes. You are probably looking forward to your party, camping trip, boat ride etc. but it's just not worth the risk of someone getting injured.

When You Hear Thunder, Take Shelter! 

As soon as you hear thunder, even if you have not spotted any lightning, you are at risk of being struck. When possible, the best solution is to head indoors. A sturdy, enclosed building with a floor, four walls, and a roof is the best way to protect yourself from lightning. Structures without walls such as tents, porches, gazebos, open garages, covered patios, and pavilions provide little protection from lighting. If you are on a camping trip and shelter is not an option, your best bet is set up your tent close to your vehicle. Avoid going under trees, telephone poles, or anything that is high in the sky.

No Shelter Available? Try These Tips! 

Lightning can strike people directly but in most cases, those who are injured are from indirect contact. Current can travel through the ground if a nearby tree or light pole is struck. In the rare situation that you have no option for shelter, you should try to stay as low to the ground as possible. You want to have as little contact on the ground as possible, so stay on your feet and don't sit or lie down on the ground. The best thing to do is crouch down as low to the ground as possible and stay on your feet.

Indoors are Safest BUT You're Not Immune!  

While the best place to be during a thunderstorm is indoors, you are still not 100% protected. Lightning can strike and travel through multiple avenues. The top cause of indoor lightning is corded phones. Lightning can travel through the phone line and cause injury. While most homes do not have corded phones any longer, you are also at risk if your cell phone or any other electronic device is plugged into the electrical outlet while in use. Aside from getting injured, your electronic devices could also be damaged by a storm. To keep them from being damaged you should unplug them from the outlet. Lighting can also travel through the plumbing of your home. To remain safe, you should try to avoid washing dishes or taking a shower during a thunderstorm. 

According to USA TODAY, in 2017, 16 people were killed by lightning. 2017 actually set an all-time record for the lowest deaths caused by lightning. We believe this is attributed to raised awareness, better construction, and fewer people working in fields. In 1943, 432 deaths were caused by lighting! Clearly, we have come a long way over the years but we hope that by continuing raising concern for lightning safety we will have fewer and fewer injuries or deaths each year. We hope that everyone stays safe this Summer by following these tips! If you stay safe from lighting but your home is affected, such as damage to your electrical wiring, be sure to keep the best electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks in mind, Catalyst Electric! If damage has occurred give us a call and will fix any issue you have. In honor of Lightning Safety Awareness Week, we will leave you with this quote from the National Weather Service, "When thunder roars, go indoors! 

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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