5 Situations that Would Require a Back-Up Generator

Back up generators are kind of like insurance, you don't think you need it until you do. When the power goes out at your home or business it can be an extreme inconvenience.  When your power goes out at your business you will be without computers, networks, and lights. This can be costly to your business because you typically cannot conduct business without power. This could cause you to lose sales! If you never want to go without power, whether it be at your home or your business, Catalyst Electric can install a backup generator at your home or business at the Lake of the Ozarks! Not convinced it is necessary? Check out these 5 situations that a backup generator would be a great addition to your home or business.

1) Tornados and Wind Storms 

Tornadoes and even high-speed winds can damage and/or cause power lines to come down. When a power line comes down, it will leave you without heat/air, light, and anything that requires power to operate. If the storm is bad enough you could be left without power for days.

2) Lightening 

Lightning can do some serious damage to your electricity. From power surges and damaged power lines, a bad lightning storm could leave you without power. Lightning is one of the leading cause of power outages and it is quite common.

3) Flooding 

Flooding is fairly common in the lake area when it comes to the Spring and in some cases during the Summer months. When a flood occurs from heavy rains in the Ozarks, nearby power lines can be an effect even if your home or business is not affected by the flooding. When flooding occurs, it is hard for workers to access the damaged areas to make repairs. This means that you could be without power for an extended period of time.

4) Winter Ice Storms 

Now that it is Summer, winter storms are probably not top of mind. However, when Winter does get here, ice storms can cause havoc on power lines. When ice forms on power lines, the lines get heavy and have the potential to snap. Power is even more crucial during the harsh winter months because often when you do not have power, you don't have heat either. Installing a backup generator can give you peace of mind that you will never have to go without heat during the winter.

5) Car Accidents 

Aside from the outdoor elements causing you to lose power, a car accident can also cause your home or business to go without power. The city streets are often lined with utility poles. If a car accident occurs and crashes into utility poles, you could go without power.

The best way to avoid your home or business going without power is to have the best electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks install a backup generator! We are certified KOHLER backup generator installers and we are here to give you peace of mind that you will never be without power. Why risk it when you can have Catalyst Electric install a backup generator at the Lake of the Ozarks. Give us call for a FREE estimate today!

Quality Work With Integrity

 Catalyst Electric: Best electrician service at the Lake of the Ozarks  

1106 Runabout Drive
Osage Beach, Mo 65065
(573) 552-8488 -Phone
(573) 552-8248 -Fax



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