
Showing posts from September, 2021

Why You Should Switch to LED Lighting

LED lighting isn't new but many homeowners and businesses are still not taking advantage of the many benefits of LED lighting. If you've been reluctant to switch out your lighting to LEDs, our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks would like to share with you 4 benefits of LED lighting!  #1 LED Longevity  One of the most significant advantages of switching to LED bulbs is the lifespan, especially when you compare them to traditional incandescent light bulbs. On average, an LED bulb can last between 50,000 to 100,000 operating hours more which equates to 2-4 times as long.  #2 Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency is another huge advantage to making the switch to LED bulbs. Switching to LED bulbs have the potential to improve energy efficiency by 30-70%. #3 Enhanced Safety  When it comes to all forms of electricity, you should always keep safety in mind. Older style light bulbs can produce a significant amount of heat. Heat can be a hazard. The benefi...

Selling Your Home? Consider these Electrical Upgrades!

Thinking about selling your home soon? When it comes time to sell, you'll want to ensure your home's electrical system is up to code. The  best electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks , Catalyst Electric, are here to tell you a few things you should consider upgrading or replacing before you put your home on the market. Read on to learn more!  Outdated Breaker Box  Breaker boxes that are older than 30 years will have to be replaced to obtain financing in most cases. These older breaker boxes pose a safety risk and believe it or not are still in a lot of homes today. Old Wiring  If your home was built in the 60s-70s or before and the electrical wiring has never been replaced, you probably have an old style of aluminum wiring that is not up to code. A lot of homeowners insurance will not insure homes with this kind of wiring. Ungrounded Outlets  We hope that you do not have any ungrounded electrical outlets because it is a major safety hazard. Ungrounded outlets ca...

Fall Energy Saving Tips! 🍁💡

Fall is almost here and many homeowners start on their fall maintenance task list in preparation for winter. While you're starting your home maintenance checklist, it's a good time to start thinking about some ways you can save energy this fall! Read on to get a few tips from Catalyst Electric !  Lighting  Fall is the perfect time to think about changing your lighting to run more efficiently and use less energy. Consider these tips below to help cut costs on your energy. Switch your light bulbs to LED bulbs. LED bulbs use less energy and they typically last longer than incandescent bulbs  Install motion sensors so lights will turn off when you are not in the room  Seal Leaks  Check to see if you have any holes or leaks around your electrical outlets, windows, and doors. Once your heat is turned on, you won't want any heat to escape. You could save up to 20% on your heating bill if you find multiple leaks and the cost of materials is minimal. HVAC System...