Lightning Safety Awareness Week!

The last week of June is Lightning Safety Awareness Week! Even though lightning is common, it's important to keep in mind that it can be dangerous! In this week's blog, our electrical contractor company at the Lake of the Ozarks would like to spread awareness for lightning safety. Outdoor Activity Planned? ALWAYS Check The Weather! Like we mentioned earlier, the most common time for someone to be injured is during the Summer months because often people plan outdoor activities they are not willing to cancel due to a storm. On the day of your outdoor activity, make sure to check the weather forecast, and plan accordingly. If there are thunderstorms in the forecast be sure you have a backup plan for people to take shelter if lightning strikes. You are probably looking forward to your party, camping trip, boat ride, etc. but it's just not worth the risk of someone getting injured. When You Hear Thunder, Take Shelter! As soon as you hear thunder, even if you have not ...