Dock Safety - It’s Important!

The weather is warming up and it’s almost time to start using our docks again for swimming a recreation. If you have electric that runs to your dock, it’s important that everything is working properly for you safety and the safety of those who use your dock. Read on to get a few safety tips from our electrical contracting team at the Lake of the Ozarks ! Test All GFCIs You must have GFCIs at your dock receptacles. The purpose of a GFCI is to measure a circuit's current and if something is not right, it will trip the GFCI and cut off the power. This is especially important around water because it can sense when there is electric current going into the water. It is a good idea to test your GFCIs once a month. Typically, you can find them along the ramp of your dock. Contact a Professional for Repairs It's always best to contact your local electricians at the Lake of the Ozarks if an issue with your electric at your dock arises. There are a lot of hom...