5 Common Electrical Problems that Could be Hazardous

Have you ever had a seemingly harmless electrical issue such as a dead outlet that you don't use often anyway, or a breaker that trips frequency? While these may seem like minor annoyances, any electrical issues that occur in your home or business should be addressed. Read on to find out why the following 5 common electrical problems could be hazardous. #1 Flickering Lights Do you have one specific light in your home that is dimming or flickering? While this may not seem like a big deal, it could be the sign of a poor connection. If there is a poor connection, an arc could occur resulting in a fire. #2 Frequent Light Bulbs Burning Out Lightbulbs that burn out frequently could be a bigger issue than simply overuse. There could be a loose connection in the socket or the circuit. If you have a specific light fixture that you find yourself changing the light bulb frequently, you may need to call your trusted Lake of the Ozarks electrician to see if there ...