
Showing posts from March, 2021

Safe Practices for Using Electricity Outdoors

Spring is finally here and now that it's starting to warm up outside, you're probably ready to get outdoors! Grilling, family gatherings, outdoor maintenance, and spending time on the patio are on the horizon. Many outdoor activities call for a need to use electricity. From lighting to lawn care and more it's important to keep safety in mind when you bring electricity to the outdoor elements. Read on to get a few safety tips for using electricity outdoors this spring and summer.  Short Term  If you are only looking to power something for a couple hours or even a couple days, extension cords will do the trick. However, you should always make sure that you are using extension cords that are designed specifically for the outdoors. You may be thinking that if it's temporary it doesn't matter. However, outdoor extension cords are designed to withstand moisture, sudden temperature changes, and being stepped on. Keep in mind that extension cords should only be used for tem...

What Exactly is a Whole Home Surge Protector?

 You are likely familiar with power strips with the red reset button. You'll typically see these used for computers to protect against power surges. When desktop computers were more prevalent in homes, do you remember "unplugging" the computer when it was storming to avoid lighting destroying your computer? While you may or may not have a desktop computer in your home, you do have a refrigerator, washer, dryer, and likely a tv! These same power surges and lightning strikes can affect all of your major appliances if the surge occurs through your entire electrical system. Are you sweating just thinking about having to replace every single appliance in your home? Stop sweating and think about installing a whole-home surge protector ! Read on to learn more about this money-saving device you can have installed by Catalyst Electric !  What is a Whole House Surge Protector? There is a specific amount of voltage that should run through your electrical system and if the voltage ge...

Save Energy and Cool Down your Commercial Building with Really BIG Fans!

Hot weather will be here sooner than you think! If you own a commercial building space, we have a solution for helping you stay cool this summer and save on your energy costs! Catalyst Electric is a certified installer for Big Ass Fans!   They offer remarkable technology and offer many products for different environments and uses. Read on to learn more about Big Ass Fans!  About Big Ass Fans  Big Ass Fans are a year-round solution for energy savings and cooling! They can make a space feel up to  10 degrees cooler in the summer and save up to 30% on energy bills in the winter . Their fan technology involves a really big fan moving slowly but moving a ton of air. Read on to learn more about their solutions for every application. Agriculture  If you're in the agriculture industry you know how hot it can get. Keeping your animals healthy is important to you. Big Ass Fans not only thermal comfort but also herd health. Big Ass Fans are an economical, energy-efficient...

4 Smart Electrical Upgrades for Your Home!

As your home ages, there will likely be small repairs and upgrades that will be needed over time. For example, your electrical system! There may come a time when a few updates will be needed. Not sure what aspects of your electrical system may need to be upgraded? Find out four smart electrical upgrades from our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks!  Electrical Panel  Our homes have more electronics now than they ever have. More electronics means we need power in our home. Your electrical panel is responsible for bringing power into your home and dispersing it. With an increase in electricity usage, you will need a bigger electrical panel to support it. Upgrading your electrical panel is not a difficult upgrade but it should be done by a  licensed electrician at the Lake of the Ozkars .  Kitchen Lighting  Adding more kitchen lighting is a great way to not only brighten up your kitchen but add a new design element to your home. You can ad...