Get the 411 on Sparking Outlets! Should You Be Concerned?
Have you ever plugged something into an outlet and saw a spark? You may have wondered if the spark that came from the outlet is dangerous. In most cases, a small spark coming from an outlet is nothing to worry about, however, there are situations that should cause concern. Today, our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks would like to share with you different types of sparks and which ones should cause concern. What Causes an Outlet to Spark? An electrical current runs throughout your home's electrical system at a high rate of speed. Your electrical system is divided into circuits and most of the time each circuit is responsible for multiple outlets. An electrical current runs through your home in a continuous loop and when you plug something into an outlet there is a split second when the plug and outlet connections are almost touching and that gap in electrical current creates a spark. This actually happens every time you plug something in, but you don't...