Electric Shock Drowning - Everything You Should Know

Boating season is here and you've probably already spent time out on your boat or hanging out on your dock. Memories made at the lake are priceless and it's important to always keep your safety top of mind. If you swim near your dock, it's critical that you ensure your dock's electrical system is up to code. If electricity seeps into the water near your dock, it can be a fatal danger and result in Electric Shock Drowning (ESD). We take dock safety very seriously and today we'd like to share with you how to take preventive measures to avoid this tragedy. What is Electric Shock Drowning? Electric Shock Drowning occurs when electrical current, typically from your dock, travels into the water. Electricity can come from improperly wired pumps, lighting, improperly grounded wires, or even current from the ground. When electricity travels through the water and a nearby swimmer is unaware, electrical current sends volts through the swimmer's body. When elect...