
Showing posts from May, 2020

Electric Shock Drowning - Everything You Should Know

Boating season is here and you've probably already spent time out on your boat or hanging out on your dock. Memories made at the lake are priceless and it's important to always keep your safety top of mind. If you swim near your dock, it's critical that you ensure your dock's electrical system is up to code. If electricity seeps into the water near your dock, it can be a fatal danger and result in Electric Shock Drowning (ESD). We take dock safety very seriously and today we'd like to share with you how to take preventive measures to avoid this tragedy.  What is Electric Shock Drowning?  Electric Shock Drowning occurs when electrical current, typically from your dock, travels into the water. Electricity can come from improperly wired pumps, lighting, improperly grounded wires, or even current from the ground. When electricity travels through the water and a nearby swimmer is unaware, electrical current sends volts through the swimmer's body. When elect...

The 411 on Solar Energy

Have you been hearing all the buzz about switching to solar energy at your home? Solar energy is a renewable energy source that can help reduce and even eliminate your monthly energy bill. If you’ve considered going solar, you probably have some questions about how it works, what types of solar panels are available, and what the incentives are. Catalyst Electric has everything you need to know about switching to solar energy in today’s blog!  How Does it Work  Solar Panels — Convert sunlight into DC electricity Inverter — Converts the generated DC into AC used in most homes. Monorting System — Monitors info such as energy production for optimal power orange Utility Grid — On Grid-Tie and hybrid system Types of Systems  Grid Tie —Ties into utility grid, sends excess production into grid. No energy storage. Standalone — Off-grid System. All battery storage with no back-feed. Hybrid — Grid tie with battery storage, auto switch with outage. What Are the Bene...

Skip Your Next Electrical DIY Projects and Call the Pros!

Has spending more time at home got you completing a few home improvement projects? DIY projects are a lot of fun and can improving the space that you live in. Although there are a lot of DIY projects you can tackle yourself, we don’t recommend starting your own electrical project anytime soon unless you are a certified electrician. It may be tempting to try and do your own electrical work, but there is a lot of risk that comes with it. Read on to find out why you shouldn’t DIY your electrical work from our electrical contracting company at the Lake of the Ozarks . #1 Your Safety  Electricity can be extremely dangerous. If you don't know the ins and outs of the electrical system you could get seriously injured, or worse, killed. Not only do put yourself in danger, but you could also potentially put others at risk if they are nearby. #2 Your Future Safety  There are obvious risks at the moment when you are completing electrical work. Arguably, one of the...