4 Common Electrical Problems in Your Home

When it comes to electricity in your home, your safety should be your number one priority. When you experience an issue with your electricity, the problem should be taken seriously! Issues with electricity can be dangerous when not taken care of properly. That's why Catalyst Electric would like to share with you some common electrical problems in your home and what you should do about it. 1) Light Switches Not Working How They Should Many of us have dimmer switches in our homes, especially in the dining room. If you dimmer is not adjusting the light properly it could be because the person who installed it did a poor job or did not use quality materials. If you are in a new home and you find switches that don't do anything, you could have a problem with the outlet, circuit, or wiring. While these problems don't affect you on the day to day, they should still be addressed because it could cause worse problems down the road. If you experience any of these problems b...