
Showing posts from March, 2018

We Can Save YOU Money at Your Business!

Did you know Catalyst Electric can help you to reduce out-of-pocket costs for energy bills for your business? Not only can we help you cut costs on your energy bill, but we can also help you claim a rebate for upgrading your lighting fixtures. Ameren Missouri offers a program called BizSavers and we work with them on behalf of our clients to receive rebates for upgrading their light fixtures AND saving money by reducing their monthly energy costs. The best part is, if you are just curious about this program, Catalyst Electric offers FREE estimates! For now, if you want to learn more, continue reading this week's blog! Who Can Apply? This program is designed for businesses and organizations. Ameren Missouri has helped thousands save on their energy month after month! Catalyst Electric is committed to helping business and organizations at the Lake of the Ozarks utilize this great program! This program is great for nonprofit organizations, schools, government...

5 Indications That You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

You might not think about your electrical panel often, but it is one of the most important aspects of your home. Your electrical panel is responsible for bringing electricity into your home and routing the electricity throughout your home. Modern appliances and technology are more energy efficient, but if you have an outdated electrical panel you may not be taking advantage of your energy efficient items in your home. Making your home more efficient isn't the only reason you may need to upgrade your electrical panel. This week Catalyst Electric is going tell you five reasons you might want to consider upgrading your electrical panel. 1) You Live in an Older Home  Living in an older home is not a bad thing. In fact, a lot of people prefer the charm an older home has. However, if the electrical panel in your older home has not been upgraded you may want to consider doing so. A lot of older electrical panels have a 60-amp panel. With today's appliances and the numbe...

Boat Dock Electricity Issues a Common Danger

Warmer weather is just around the corner! If you live at the Lake of the Ozarks, warmer weather means boating and playing on the lake! Owning a dock at your home or business definitely has its perks when it comes to boating and fun on the lake. However, if your boat dock has electricity, it can be dangerous if it is not taken care of correctly. Unfortunately, electricity on docks can be the cause of fatal accidents if it is not taken care of properly. Today, Catalyst Electric would like to share with you some dangers of electricity on a dock and how dock shock happens. How do Drownings Happen? If water comes in contact with electricity, the electric current travels through the water because it needs to complete it's circuit and can be extremely dangerous to anyone in the water nearby. Electric Shock Drowning or Electric Shock cause the person's muscles to become paralyzed, making it impossible for them to swim. When this happens, it is often fatal. More times than n...

Learn About Our Backup Generators!

With Spring just around the corner, lightning and thunderstorms are going to be here before we know it! Severe storms at the Lake of the Ozarks can often leave your home or business without power. Catalyst Electric has a solution for you! Our Kohler backup generators are a great solution for any home or business that do not want to go without power during severe storms. Today we will be taking a closer look at the benefits of installing a backup generator at your home or business. Benefits of Having a Backup Generator  There are numerous reason a backup generator could greatly benefit your home or business. When the power goes out, it is not uncommon for it to be out for hours at a time and in extreme cases days at a time. Having a backup generator can help protect your valuable assets and keep your business up and going, even during power failure.  Home  Power essential appliances and lights  Power protection devices such as alarm systems and sump pum...